Brand management covers numerous of crucial aspects, cost, customer satisfaction, competition and in store presentation, is built on a marketing foundation, but concentrate directly on the brand, analysing how the brand can prevail to the customers. Higher sales prove to a Brand Management. Moreover, Branding is the prowess and keystone of marketing. Brands are idiosyncratic in umpteen ways as they are segregated by spacious amount of maze, results from the service ascribe of the retailers as well as from the multiplicity of the brand attributes.

Concepts and Elements of Branding
The strongest retail brands in India can be considered only in the existence of more than 14- 15 million retail stores in the country. It sketches its brand potency from locality, accessibility, personal attention philosophy, considerably lengthy trading hours, reasonable rates and service.
Identically, each brand holds its position in the customer’s mind and delivers high set of values than these of other competing brands in the consumer goods industry, especially FMCG and consumer electronic products section. There is a difference between business and a company which called Branding. Unique, irony is not sufficient so called entrepreneurs don’t know such a distinction exists.
Marketing enclose a plenty various activities such as product design, pricing, strategies, advertising and many more. The elements of branding are celebrated under mentioned below four key concepts, if consider the brand management fundamental nature:
In order to launch a company or a product marketing research is the foremost necessitate and definitely comes first while planning. Owing to research, you come to know the actual requirement or demand of the market. Identically, during marketing too, market research has a significance to be aware of what message should the company acquire, with which medium for best result and what positioning requires to be achieved to concentrate on the correct segment. Market research helps in gathering the data for easy analysis and action.
Collecting the sufficient data through research, you are directed towards knowing the position of your product where it stands with your company in the market in terms of robustness and frailty. Thus, it helps in creating an idea of what strategies will need to be implemented by the company to be succeeded in the market beating the competitors.
Focusing on the target to be achieved, to make better planning for beating the competitors is really have a great importance to blossom in the market. The job is handled by the marketing planning department. Sales forecasting, financial planning, communications strategy and plenty such benchmarks, all the aspects involves in the best marketing plan, defines the panacea of the company’s ailment.
To Attract customers, short term plans, shrewd resourcefulness, where planning eventuates at the topmost level are called tactics. Tactics plays a crucial role in knocking down the competitors and assist in enhancing the sales.