Review of Research in Education | Educational Research Review Submission Guidelines 
If you are a student or a working professional in the field of branding and marketing, we encourage you to submit your research papers to the Brand Research Review published by the Brand Scientist’s Brand Research Council. Our journal provides a platform to showcase the latest research and developments in the field of branding, and our review process ensures that only the highest quality papers are accepted for publication. By submitting your work to the Brand Research Review, you have the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of the field of branding and to be recognized as a thought leader in your area of expertise. Visit our website for more information on our submission guidelines and to submit your paper today.

The Research Papers Review by Brand Scientist – Brand Research Council

Brand Research Review by Brand Scientist, also known as the Brand Research Council, is a research publication that focuses on the latest trends, insights, and research related to branding. The council is made up of a group of experienced professionals in the field of brand research, who are dedicated to advancing the understanding of branding and its impact on consumer behavior.

Educational Research Review Submission Guidelines

The Brand Research Review provides readers with in-depth analysis and reviews of the latest research on branding. It covers a wide range of topics, including brand strategy, brand identity, brand perception, brand equity, and brand management. The publication also features case studies and interviews with industry leaders, providing readers with practical insights and real-world examples of successful branding strategies.


One of the key strengths of the Brand Research Review is its focus on evidence-based research. The council places a strong emphasis on rigorous research methods and data-driven analysis, ensuring that the insights and recommendations provided are based on solid empirical evidence. This approach helps to ensure that the advice and guidance provided in the publication is reliable and trustworthy, making it an invaluable resource for branding professionals, marketers, and business leaders.


The Brand Research Review is also known for its accessible and engaging writing style. The council recognizes that branding can be a complex and technical field, and strives to make its content accessible to a wide audience. The publication is written in clear, jargon-free language, making it easy for readers to understand and apply the insights and recommendations provided.


The Brand Research Review is an essential resource for anyone working in the field of branding and marketing. Its focus on evidence-based research and practical insights make it a valuable tool for anyone looking to develop effective branding strategies and build strong, successful brands. Whether you are a marketing professional, a business leader, or simply interested in the world of branding, the Brand Research Review is an indispensable source of information and inspiration.

Brand Research Review Submission Guidelines

If you are interested in submitting an article for publication in the Brand Research Review, please follow these submission guidelines:


Content: We welcome articles on a wide range of topics related to branding, including brand strategy, brand identity, brand perception, brand equity, and brand management. We are particularly interested in articles that are based on original research, and case studies, or provide new insights or perspectives on existing research.


Length: Articles should be between 1,500 and 3,000 words in length. Longer articles may be considered if they are particularly well-suited to the publication.


Style: All articles should be written in clear, accessible language that is free from jargon and technical terminology. The tone should be professional and engaging, and the content should be organized and well-structured.


Format: Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word format, double-spaced with 12-point font.


Citations and references: Any sources cited in the article should be properly referenced using APA style. Please include a list of references at the end of the article.


Author information: Please include a brief author bio (100-200 words) and contact information (email, phone number, and mailing address) with your submission.


Review process: All submissions will be reviewed by our editorial team. We will notify you within two weeks of receiving your submission regarding the status of your article.

The Research Papers Review by Brand Scientist – Brand Research Council

Brand Scientist’s Brand Research Council is known for its high-quality research papers review process, which ensures that only the best research papers are published in the Brand Research Review. The council’s review board consists of experts from diverse backgrounds and specialties in the field of branding, including brand strategy, brand identity, brand perception, brand equity, and brand management.


The council accepts research papers from students and working professionals globally, covering a wide range of topics related to branding. The papers submitted for review are expected to be well-researched, innovative, and contribute to the advancement of the field. The council’s review process is rigorous and involves multiple stages of evaluation, including a preliminary screening, a double-blind peer review, and a final editorial review.


During the preliminary screening stage, the council’s review board evaluates the submitted papers for their relevance, originality, and potential to contribute to the field. Papers that meet the initial criteria move on to the double-blind peer review stage, where they are evaluated by two or more experts in the field. The reviewers provide detailed feedback on the papers, including suggestions for improvement, and make recommendations to the council’s review board regarding the suitability of the papers for publication.


In the final editorial review stage, the council’s editorial team carefully evaluates the papers that have been recommended for publication and ensures that they meet the journal’s standards for quality, rigor, and relevance. Papers that pass this final stage are accepted for publication in the Brand Research Review.


The council’s review process is transparent, fair, and unbiased. All submissions are evaluated based on their merit, and the council’s review board makes decisions based on the quality and relevance of the papers, rather than on the reputation or status of the authors.


The Brand Scientist’s Brand Research Council is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality in the field of branding and marketing research. By providing a rigorous and transparent review process, the council ensures that the research published in the Brand Research Review is of the highest caliber and contributes to the advancement of the field.


What is the Brand Research Review?

The Brand Research Review is a peer-reviewed journal published by Brand Scientist’s Brand Research Council that focuses on the latest research and developments in the field of branding.

Who can submit papers for the Brand Research Review?

Both students and working professionals from around the world can submit papers for review to the Brand Research Review.

What types of papers are accepted for publication in the Brand Research Review?

The Brand Research Review accepts original research papers, critical analysis of existing research, and review articles that contribute to the advancement of the field of branding.

What is the review process for papers submitted to the Brand Research Review?

The review process involves a preliminary screening, double-blind peer review, and final editorial review to ensure that only the highest quality papers are accepted for publication.

How long does the review process typically take?

The review process can take several weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the paper and the number of submissions under review.

Are there any formatting guidelines for papers submitted to the Brand Research Review?

Yes, there are specific formatting guidelines that must be followed, including guidelines for citation style, referencing, and manuscript structure. Details can be found on the journal’s website.

What happens if a paper is rejected for publication in the Brand Research Review?

Authors who have their papers rejected are welcome to revise and resubmit their work in the future, but the review board’s decision is final and non-negotiable.

How do I submit a paper to the Brand Research Review?

Papers can be submitted through the journal’s online submission system, which can be accessed on the journal’s website. Before submitting, authors should carefully read and follow the submission guidelines.

Is there a fee for submitting papers to the Brand Research Review?

No, there is no fee for submitting papers to the Brand Research Review. However, if a paper is accepted for publication, authors may be required to pay an article processing charge to cover the cost of publication.

Can papers that have been previously published be submitted to the Brand Research Review?

No, papers that have been previously published or are under review by another journal cannot be submitted to the Brand Research Review.

Can I suggest potential reviewers for my paper?

Yes, authors can suggest potential reviewers for their papers during the submission process, but the review board reserves the right to ultimately decide on the selection of reviewers.

Can I submit multiple papers to the Brand Research Review?

Yes, authors can submit multiple papers, but each paper must be submitted separately and must meet the submission guidelines.

What is the editorial policy of the Brand Research Review?

The Brand Research Review is committed to maintaining editorial independence, integrity, and transparency. The editorial policy emphasizes the highest ethical standards and rigorous peer review processes to ensure the publication of high-quality and original research.

What is the copyright policy for papers published in the Brand Research Review?

Authors retain the copyright of their published papers, but the journal holds the right to distribute the papers and make them available to the public. Papers published in the Brand Research Review are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.