Join the Brand Scientist – Brand Research Council today and become a part of India’s leading council on branding and marketing. As a Brand Scientist – BRC member, you’ll gain access to a wealth of branding and marketing knowledge and resources, participate in events and programs, and network with industry leaders and branding and marketing professionals. Choose the membership type that best suits your needs and start reaping the benefits of Brand Scientist – BRC membership today. Visit our website and fill out the membership application form now to get started!

Brand Scientist, also known as the Brand Research Council, is an organization that focuses on advancing the science and practice of branding through research, education, and collaboration. The organization offers various membership categories to individuals and corporations who are interested in participating in its activities and benefiting from its resources.

Join Brand Scientist – Brand Research Council

Become a Member

Corporate Membership:
Corporate Membership is designed for organizations that want to stay at the forefront of branding and marketing trends. Members can access the latest research, reports, and case studies that can help them improve their branding strategies. They also have access to networking opportunities with other corporate members and can participate in events and conferences that can help them stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices in branding.


Associate Membership:
Associate Membership is suitable for individuals who are interested in branding, marketing, and related fields. Members can access the organization’s resources, including research, reports, and case studies. They can also participate in events and conferences organized by the organization and network with other members. Associate Memberships are particularly useful for individuals who are starting their careers in branding or marketing and want to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the industry.


Individual Membership:
Individual Membership is designed for professionals who are interested in branding, marketing, and related fields. Members can access the organization’s resources, including research, reports, and case studies. They can also participate in events and conferences organized by the organization and network with other members. Individual Memberships are particularly useful for professionals who want to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the industry and want to enhance their knowledge and skills.


Brand Scientist also offers membership to Chambers of Commerce and Associations. This category is designed for organizations that want to offer their members access to the latest trends and developments in branding and marketing. Members can access research, reports, and case studies that can help them improve their branding strategies. They can also participate in events and conferences organized by the organization and network with other members. Chambers/Association memberships are particularly useful for organizations that want to stay up to date with the latest branding and marketing trends and want to provide their members with opportunities for professional development and networking.


Brand Scientist offers different types of memberships that cater to the needs of individuals and organizations interested in branding and marketing. These memberships provide access to research, reports, and case studies that can help improve branding strategies, and also offer opportunities for networking and professional development through events and conferences.

The Brand Research Council (BRC) was established as India’s premier authority on branding and marketing, with a mission to provide valuable tools for brands, retailers, and marketers to develop and implement effective and sustainable branding solutions.

By becoming a member of Brand Scientist – BRC, you can access a wealth of brand marketing knowledge and benefit from the expertise of other members. You’ll have a platform to exchange ideas and collaborate with leaders of the Indian industry, brand managers, professors, faculties, and consultants, providing you with valuable insights into the branding landscape.


Brand Scientist – BRC membership offers a range of benefits to assist you in your brand and branding activities and execution. You can participate in programs, certifications, awards, training sessions, and event programs, allowing you to enhance your skills and knowledge and network with other branding professionals. Additionally, you can access research papers, surveys, press releases, and newsletters that cover the latest trends and best practices in branding.


What is Brand Scientist – Brand Research Council (BRC)?

BRC is a leading authority on branding that provides valuable tools and resources to its members to develop and implement effective and sustainable branding solutions.

What is a Corporate Member?

A corporate member is a company or organization that wants to leverage BRC’s expertise and resources to enhance its branding strategies.

What are the different types of memberships offered by BRC?

BRC offers four types of memberships: Corporate Member, Associate Member, Individual Member, and Chambers/Associations.

What is an Associate Member?

An Associate Member is an individual who is interested in branding and wants to access BRC’s resources and network to enhance their branding knowledge.

What is an Individual Member?

An Individual Member is a person who wants to gain access to BRC’s resources and network to enhance their personal branding knowledge.

What is Chambers/Associations membership?

Chambers/Association membership is offered to chambers of commerce or business associations that want to leverage BRC’s expertise to enhance their members’ branding strategies.

What are the benefits of becoming a BRC member?

BRC members can benefit from a wealth of branding knowledge and resources, participate in events and programs, gain access to exclusive learning opportunities, interact with industry leaders, and network with other branding professionals.

How can I become a BRC member?

To become a BRC member, you can visit their website and fill out the membership application form. Once your application is approved, you’ll receive a membership confirmation email with instructions on how to access member-only resources and events.

Can individuals outside of India become BRC members?

Yes, individuals and organizations from outside of India can become BRC members.

Is there a fee to become a BRC member?

Yes, there is a fee associated with BRC membership. The fee varies depending on the type of membership and the duration of the membership.

How long does a BRC membership last?

BRC memberships are typically valid for one year. Members can renew their membership annually.

What kind of events and programs does BRC offer to its members?

BRC offers a range of events and programs, including workshops, seminars, conferences, and certification courses. These events cover various branding topics and provide members with opportunities to learn from experts in the field.

What resources can BRC members access?

BRC members can access a range of resources, including research papers, surveys, case studies, press releases, and newsletters. These resources cover the latest trends and best practices in branding.

Can BRC members contribute their branding insights and ideas?

Yes, BRC members are encouraged to share their branding insights and ideas through various channels, such as events, workshops, and online forums.

How can BRC members benefit from networking opportunities?

BRC members can network with industry leaders, brand managers, professors, faculties, and consultants through various events and programs. These networking opportunities can provide members with valuable insights into the branding landscape and help them establish professional relationships within the industry.